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Litteä Helm Of Awe Ravens -pronssisormus

Litteä Helm Of Awe Ravens -pronssisormus

Normaalihinta €42,95 EUR
Normaalihinta €42,95 EUR Alennushinta €42,95 EUR
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Tämä tuote on saatavana myös sterlinghopeana

  • Aito maaginen symboli Islannin grimoireista
  • Aegishjalmur, Awen ruori, varmisti menestyksen soturin yrityksissä
  • Korpit pyhitetään Odinille, Valhallan jumalalle
  • Asiantuntevaa käsityötä
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Kuvaus : Mitä tämä tuote edustaa?

Helm of Awe, Aegishjalmur, oli voimakas viikinkien maaginen symboli. Islannin maagisten grimoireiden mukaan soturit piirsivät merkin päähänsä varmistaakseen voiton ja löytääkseen rohkeutta.

Käyttäjä ei voinut epäonnistua joko kukistamalla vihollisensa tai nousemalla Valhallaan.

Valhalla on Odinin sali Asgardissa, jossa taistelussa urheasti kuolleet soturit viedään juhlimaan muiden suurten sotureiden rinnalla, kunnes heidät kaikki kutsutaan taistelemaan uudelleen Odinin rinnalla Ragnarokissa.

Tämä litteä pronssinen sormus yhdistää Helm of Awen kahteen korppiin, jotka ovat Odinin symboli.

Odinilla on kaksi tuttua korppia, Huginn (ajatus) ja Muninn (muisti), jotka toimivat hänen silmissään ja korvinaan maailmassa. Se oli myös hyvä merkki nähdä korppeja kiertämässä taistelukentällä, koska se tarkoitti, että Odin oli paikalla valitsemassa soturinsa.

Tämä elementtien yhdistelmä tekee tästä täydellisen sormuksen moderneille viikingisotureille, jotka etsivät rohkeutta saavuttaa Valhalla.



Väri: Pronssi
Paino: 0,70 unssia tai 20,0 g
Koko: Etuosan leveys n. 5/8" (16 mm)
Materiaalit: Pronssi

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Gilad G.

the ring is good looking, the etching of the runes and ravens look good and the fit is great, it looks almost 1 to 1 as the picture on site
that said the metal itself is a bit thinner then I expected from the photos

but the downside as I see it is that after only 2-3 hours of wearing it, it left a ring of green oxide on my finger, as can be seen in the image... I hope this will not be a reoccurring problem as that is a major downside

Thank you for your constructive comment. I am sorry that you are not fully satisfied. The green effect you encountered is a normal and natural effect that occurs with bronze products or any other metal containing copper (as it can happen with silver) Copper is an essential mineral the bodyneeds. If your body is low in copper, and you are wearing something that hascopper in it, the body will send out enzymes to metabolize the copper, turning itinto cupric oxide, which is green, and then absorbing it through the skin. It isnatural and actually very healthy. This is also the origin of the old wives taleabout wearing a copper bracelet or ring to treat arthritis

gilad g.

the ring is good looking, the etching of the runes and ravens look good and the fit is great, it looks almost 1 to 1 as the picture on site
that said the metal itself is a bit thinner then I expected from the photos

but the downside as I see it is that after only 2-3 hours of wearing it, it left a ring of green oxide on my finger, as can be seen in the image... I hope this will not be a reoccurring problem as that is a major downside

Thank you for your constructive comment. I am sorry that you are not fully satisfied. The green effect you encountered is a normal and natural effect that occurs with bronze products or any other metal containing copper (as it can happen with silver) Copper is an essential mineral the bodyneeds. If your body is low in copper, and you are wearing something that hascopper in it, the body will send out enzymes to metabolize the copper, turning itinto cupric oxide, which is green, and then absorbing it through the skin. It isnatural and actually very healthy. This is also the origin of the old wives taleabout wearing a copper bracelet or ring to treat arthritis

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